I'll be honest, affirmations are not something I have been attracted to intuitively. While I was pregnant I hung some aesthetically pleasing prints with phrases in my birthing space (I am a birthing goddess was my fave, lol ). Mostly due to nesting and feeling like that was something you "should" do to create a pleasing and welcoming atmosphere for you and your baby. Since then the idea of it all has been pushed aside. Like really, what is the point of saying something that may not even resonate with you? As I continue my training with By the Moon as a Holistic Reproductive Practitioner there is a lot of space for self reflection and digging deep, not only is it a safe welcoming space to do so, but it is an absolute necessity. After all, we can only take someone as far as we have come. So I am following my path of self discovery and healing. But I digress. Affirmations. What I have been more aware of lately is that internal voice that pops up, from time to time. Those little pokes and nags that so often go unnoticed. They may have served some purpose while I was in a different age and stage or I may have picked it up from someone else inadvertently and it became a part of me. "I've never had great fine motor skills" "You didn't need to eat another one" "Hold back what you think, you might be wrong" "You're too emotional" Well let me tell you about my aha moment, this past week. I do use affirmations every.single.day! But they are not the ideals and thoughts that I want to be affirming in my reality. And I have decided I will no longer hold space for them to exist. The energy we are putting into our thoughts matter. We are powerful and we create our own reality. Now that I am more aware, what the heck do I do with this? How exactly does this look in a practical sense? When we catch ourselves with a negative thought (because that happens to us all) we can say "clear, cancel, delete" and then follow it up with some positive affirming thoughts, even if they don't feel true at the time. I have also envisioned a gust of wind sweeping the words from my minds eye as well, if you are a visual person, like me. This will most definitely be a work in progress, and will be anything but linear. Find an affirmation that resonates with you, spend a week or so journaling about what it brings up for you. Affirmations work best when practised on a regular basis over a period of time. Conversely it may just be that the affirmations that make us the most uncomfortable may be the ones that we need to bring in the most and where there may be the most room for healing. Feel out what may work best for you at this time. Having a solid idea on how to replace the negative self talk with positive affirmations of self love and encouragement makes me feel empowered and hopeful. My intention is that there will be a few nuggets in this post that may inspire you to let go of thoughts that are no longer serving you to your highest self. Much, Love. -References: Holistic Reproductive Practitioner training manual, Michelle Stroud at By the Moon
Serene Pierce
Muskoka based doula and Mother of three. Here you can catch some of my wandering thoughts and knack for busting myths about birth, postpartum and raising environmentally conscious kids. Archives
December 2019